Wednesday 24 December 2014

Adventures of a Mistweaver

Hi guys

My little Monk just got to 100 the other night, but now I am stuck!
I want to go Mistweaver, however I am not comfortable with going into dungeons by myself so will need to try and convince guildies to do some normals with me..

I would be comfortable going into raids, and I want to do pvp but ugh, if I want to grind stuff it's back into Brewmaster yet again because it is the ONLY way I can kill things - I can't play Windwalker for crap, lol.

So what have I learnt so far?

  • I can't play Windwalker well, and Fistweaving gets me absolutely no where. I leveled completely as Brewmaster, and it was awesome.
  • Don't get to 100 and then go to kill mobs for gear and fun items while still in Mistweaver spec, you're gonna have a bad time!
  • Remember that I have limited healing gear, so unless I want to tank I should probably work on that.
  • Miss Volene's armory link

This is only reasonably short because Brewmaster made it incredibly easy for me to get to 100. I could kill stuff reasonably fast and survivability is FANTASTIC!

To everyone in all of my social medias, have a very very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
If you don't celebrate the holiday, spend some time with loved ones and tell them you love them, just because, and if you get the time play some WoW and visit Father Winter. I am sure he'd love to give you your millionth robot or remote control tank!

Mon x

Monday 8 December 2014

I'm back!

Hey guys

It's nearly been a month since I last posted, but unfortunately I got busy with real world stuff.
My boyfriend came to stay for 2 weeks and so we went to the zoo and just hung out, played some WoW, went to dinner and stuff :)
He went back to NZ for Christmas and to prepare for Uni next year on Saturday night. Cue the crying, puffy eyes and tissues - most of them after he'd gone into the departures lounge and I'd gotten back to the accommodation.

On my holiday I bought some nice new things which I have been either eager to try or just something new to do. I got Pokémon Art Academy which is pretty fun and cute, but then again I like arty sort of things and add in Pokémon and I'm set! I also bought the battle chest for Warcraft III as I really wanted to explore the lore of the Warcraft land - other than stuff I've read on wiki or picked up on WoW, I am pretty lore limited. Even though I didn't d too badly in WoW Trivial Pursuit with lore questions, I certainly want to be able to learn more.
I also bought Fantasy Life which is super cute. I am just starting and my girl is a mercenary. Will see how things go and how the different 'life's' are. I also bought the normal Art Academy to try out, but yet to play! On the Vita I bought Borderlands2 and my god is that a trial and a half to get used to the viewing with out stick and moving with the other.. and the things still run and attack while you need to aim and shoot - I died a few times within the first 10 minutes haha. I also got the new Jak and Daxter game, so will check that out too. So many games!! I also bought some new movies, TV series (Dexter) which I have been meaning to start watching and we consumed a lot of junk food.

Now I have 2 days left off, this one is relaxing and tomorrow is a visit to the chiro before back to work on Friday. Luckily there isn't much work time left before Christmas and another break!

I am working out what I am going to buy myself in the new year. A new iPod perhaps? A new phone is likely to be a definite. A PS4? Dunno. I will need to save as well as paying bills etc for my trip to NZ too. Oh and lose a bit of weight is also on the cards as well.

PS. Also signed back up to BellaBox and LootCrate. Hooray presents for me every month!

I have been busy playing on my pally as well lately however I am also leveling my hunter.... until I decided to try out my shaman. Not that I have given up on my hunter I am just in a state of blah.. again. I think I need a break lol.

I am hoping to post again, but if things get busy, I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year! I am always somewhat alive on facebook and twitter, so you can catch me there :)

Mon x

Thursday 13 November 2014

It's finally here!

Hey guys,

It's the due date! I am about to become....

A WoD Conquerer, and never be a slave unlike the Iron Horde who uttered those words not that long ago in the cinematic I just watched for the 100000000 time. I am also not a funny green orc!

Tehehe. Anyway.

Today is a bit iffy for me so far. My day has consisted of head down into my work and proceed to get a headache. Soooo, inc glasses. Plus it's been raining. Now I love rain, but WTH. 40 degree (celcius) days and then rain and I need to wear my work cardigan, like what is with you weather?!

I am excited for WoD which starts at 4pm my time - I headed into work early to ensure I could leave a little earlier to feed animals and have a shower before I get to find one of the many Khadgar's around Azeroth. Yes, Khadgar has undergone an experiment and he is suddenly in many places... time traveling whaaaaaaaa!

I could easily curl up and sleep, and my eyes are playing funny buggars on me - they just aren't focussing really well.. I might need to just have a check up at the Optometrist to ensure that they haven't decided to try and start packing it in.

I am also freezing right now, and for me that is seriously saying something as I usually love the cold and hate Summer but haha, jokes on me today.

I drew a little Gorehowl on some scribble paper with a message, which I may get up here or maybe on twitter /shrug.

Either way I am tired, and got stuff to do, so see you in game!

Mon x

Sunday 9 November 2014

BlizzCon, Concerts and my poor phone!

Man what a heck of a ride it's been!

It has been a whole year since Warlords of Draenor was announced and I got up at stupid o'clock to see the announcements. Unfortnately this year I was unable to get up early just to see the panels and opening ceremony because I was at Katy Perry on the Friday night and Saturday morning at like 3am is when BlizzCon starts.

I had a great time at Katy Perry! Below are a few photos I took, and she did not stop! Well, maybe for costume changes, but that was about it. Definitely one of the better concerts I have been to.

As for BlizzCon I am so excited for what we have coming in store for us very soon!
Overwatch looks freaking awesome and this is coming from someone who does not play FPS games. I will certainly be giving this a go!
The characters are so exciting and once again Blizzard have given us strong characters (of both genders) to play or play against. Tracer is definitely one who I think would be awesome to play as - as well as cosplay as. Who knows. If I get into OW and end up getting to BlizzCon one of these years, I may just cosplay as her! Mercy is also cool looking but I am more of a go in guns blazing kind of person when I've played my very limited FPS games.

I also watched the semi and finals of StarCraft2 and man those guys are seriously insane. I don't get the game because I hadn't really been introduced to it, but I really want to get into that and check that out too.

Also, how great were Metallica?! Blizzard are going to have to try hard to beat them next year, seriously.

As for the title, my poor phone went for a splash today. Nothing too serious and it still works..... but I spilt my tea all over my desk and onto my phone. I got really worried because I have almost paid off my credit card and I didn't want to try and get myself a new phone and still owe the bank more money than I do with my car and home loan lol.

I am taking steps into getting more involved socially! I have semi sorted out my youtube channel, just need to work on some art, facebook and twitter are updated and all good, g+ is semi done and I have a vine now. Check out my cute little vine video of my murloc while ETC are singing :D
You can find me as MonPlaysWoW just give it a search :)

That's about it for now, I just wanted to blog and get my thoughts out. I intend on getting some art done, and thankfully with Overwatch I have something I can draw or attempt to anyway!

Mon x

Thursday 6 November 2014

In a years time

Hey guys
It dawned on me earlier today that in a years time I will have been doing some kind of gaming for 20 years. That to me is just insane because it makes me sound like I have had like a huge experience in gaming - like job amount of experience, but not haha.
I started gaming at around six, hear me out, we had Commander Keen on MS DOS and Wolfenstein. Granted Wolfenstein may not be your usual choice for a child to play, but I remember playing it with my Dad. Commander Keen however was something I loved to play myself - as long as Mum got into it for me because I didn't understand operating systems back then... heck even sometimes Windows freaks me out when it comes up with an error I have never seen before.
Moving on in years I would have little Tetris games and a soccer game, but I didn't have the usual platforms everyone else had. My best friend had a Super Nintendo and then got a N64 - I didn't have anything like that so going over to her house to play Donkey Kong was really fun. Then later on she got a PlayStation and we would play Tony Hawk on it, can't remember the game but heck that was fun skateboarding - mainly because we both sucked at anything like that IRL.
I was always more of an online gamer or into virtual worlds. The Sims was one of my favourites, and my Aunty bought me a collection of Sim games... SimSafari was the best thing EVER. I really wish I could find that game again, but compatibility and all that jazz I don't think I could be bothered to try and get it working.
I then moved into online communities. Starting at about 9 or 10ish I think, I got into Neopets. It could have been a little later, but it was the time when you could still sometimes get a limited supply of Poogles.. I KNOW. I spent a good portion of my preteens there before going onto Habbo Hotel. That was about 13 or 14, and around the time I turned 16 the Australian version was available. I met some great people around that time, some I still talk to, or have on facebook!
One of those friends got me into RuneScape and I got to like 76. I farmed flax like a mad woman to get myself a Dragon Scimitar, and worked hard towards Dragon Hide(?) armour. Around this time I had met a new person IRL who recommended WoW.
At the time, I was like LOL no way, WoW is for noobs...... Ha, yeah I'd never played the game or knew anything about it.. but he insisted it was so awesome and he said he wouldn't ever play RuneScape after playing WoW.
So as I always do I went out and bought both Vanilla and BC. That's when my love began for WoW. I was like OMG pixels, OMG Mana Wyrms, OMG I'm dying!
I guess part of that problem was I was levelling my very first toon as a HOLY Priest. Yeahhhhh...
I went Shadow quickly at level 10 and didn't turn back! This was around June 2007 and not long after I also bought myself an XBox360. Now I'd bought a PS2 just to try a Final Fantasy game out, but after playing and kicking ass playing Soul Calibur 4 I just knew I had to get it.
Unfortunately, other than buying a Kinect later on, I haven't really used it much. I also bought a DSLite, then some other kind of DS and now has a 3DS. I have also just recently bought myself a Vita. I guess you can say I like new shinies.
Since 2007 I haven't stopped playing WoW - I may have taken a short break trying out the new games like Aion and Rift, but I never unsubbed to WoW or could ever give it up.
Now I have at least 8 legitimately levelled 90s and a few booster (such as my Horde) toons to play on, have some raid experience but not much, but have made some great friends however quite a few don't play WoW anymore or not as frequently because life for everyone has carried on.
Did I see myself heading towards a love of gaming? Or becoming a little bit geek chic with my love of all things interwebz encompassing? From teenagerland I could see myself enjoying manga and anime, but did I ever think that I would be almost finished my first anime love with Naruto ending soon in manga?
Nope. I also didn't in a million years think I could find someone to spend my life with either, but these things happen and WoW has done it for quite a few people other than myself.
So next year is not only my 20th anniversary of gaming in my eyes, but will also be the time I am going to be doing a few things. I plan on doing something involving youtube, but just unsure what it is yet. I will also be carrying on with my getting healthier plan that I am trying to stick to... I can't let my brain overrule my heart and ruin my progress when I haven't had a result I *thought* I should have gotten.
I will do it!
So I leave you with this song which just makes me so happy... and I also like to PvP to it and smack some faces in. :D
Mon x

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Flaming fiery rings!

Hi guys,

Just a quick post to show you my awesome wings!
To get them, go to Darkmoon Faire and do the quest to fly with blazing wings! You have to go through 50 rings in a single flight - make sure you don't take too long getting to a ring as you will lose your flying buff! :)

It took me 3 times because I thought I had gotten the right achievement and realised that I didn't have the right one - I had only gotten 25, darnit! :P

I am so glad I got these and I can use them on any toon! :D

Also, don't mind my transmog it's not complete haha.

Mon x

Monday 3 November 2014

10 days and counting

Hey guys,

It seems as though the countdown is on! Warlords is quite literally around the corner now and I am getting incredibly excited! It's like it's my toon's birthday or something and I'm organising everything for her - what transmog pieces she can get, what things she wants to do, collect the mounts and pets she needs... all sorts of fun stuff.
Only problem is, I have been spending most of my time AFK in Shrine.

Adesea is going great guns, and I am getting pretty decent at the ret rotation. I have more issues with my computer and it's random BSODs of late. I am not sure whether it is my computer or if it is actually Raptr, because since I downloaded that (well... AMD did) I have had some niggles. Might need to see if I can set it to only awaken when I open it rather than on start up. When I turned it off after my weird issue yesterday of a blank screen with a wow cursor chilling in the centre, it suddenly didn't skip a beat. It makes me think that maybe that is causing problems - more so the background raptr program thing... I don't really have anyone I talk to on raptr to keep it open anyway because they can all contact me on or by phone/skype.

I have tomorrow off and plan to do some Celestials and Ordos before I head off to my chiropractor appointment. It is also Melbourne Cup day so fingers crossed I win some money :) Not that I am going to a TAB to lodge a bet, but I have a few sweeps in through work and my finance company.

All smooth sailing at work (for now) otherwise and I have Friday off because I am heading into Perth for Katy Perry. Think it should be a good night, and since I think we'll be leaving a little earlier than normal, I may be able to grab a few things from the shopping centre and we can have dinner before heading off to Perth Arena.

Anyway, back to the WoW stuff.
I don't have any set goals of what I want to do before the xpac, I'm just eager to sink my teeth into all the goodness. I was actually contemplating leveling up my little Horde mage.. just cause, but then thought about how stupid that would be and stopped. Not that I don't also play Horse, because I have a few toons I muck around on, and was originally Horde, but everyone else plays Alliance and unless I start fresh without my friends and BF I'd be struggling to make some new friends and be a part of a guild. I get a bit shy when it comes to those things and I can't work out why when I never had a problem in the past. I guess it's the whole 'things change' and either friends aren't playing anymore, or I've lost or forcedlost contact with people I used to play with so I am running out of IRL people who I would play with.

I'll probably run some old dungeons for transmog and do some auctions. Maybe even try for some more mounts, pets or just some gear that will help with leveling. I haven't got my BoA weapon, and it seems unlikely that I will because I would have to go in on my pally and I don't feel as though I could pull my weight... my BF would argue that normal isn't that much different and I'd be fine but I am so funny about going into raids since I have been out of raiding action for so long! If I went in on my best geared toon, I'd likely get the staff for her and not a 2H weapon haha. At the end of the day it doesn't really worry me because I will spend a bunch of time just checking everything out rather than worrying about leveling quick or how much deepz I can do.

I'm off to add more people to my reading list - if you have a blog, let me know and I will try and follow it! :)

Mon x